So I get to spend another day at Bryce. Hopefully I will get my tires tommorow. I tore a big hole in one. I managed to tape some plastic so the tube would not pop out. So it is rideable atleast.
They have a shuttle I am going to take after the noon sun is moved on.
I myself went to Rainbow point and the hiked down to my camp site. It was an exhausting day. I was rewarded witha nice breezy campground in a medow with pines and ash treed.
I stayed over Tues. and went up on Wed. With my tire problems it took the whole day to get out.
Today ordered my tires. Shipped over night only 60 miles away shouldn't be to much right. Well my groccery bills here will more than make up for me getting out here. I am spending around 12 a day. Of course I am more than happy to support them. Just don't want to wait till monday for those tires.
They have quite the complex. At the city.
I might get some pictures up but thr signal sucks.
Getting to Bryce was interesting they had a 5 mi bike path that was even graded like a road. That didn't last long.
Keep on keeping on
My 8th day in Dixie Forest
Will I ever get out of here even if I get my parts I still have another night in the forest.
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