The animals have been very play full.
On the way to Rock Springs an ELK or deer ran alongside the highway only 100 feet ahead of me the crossed over. Eating my lunch a squirrel came up to me for five mins. About 6 inches away from me.
Douglas made it back in town.
Upon eating my lunch a biker asked if the power was on. - asked 'you in a band or something turns a huge bike rally is taking place on Saturday. He invited me to join in. Should I stay or should I go? I have the beard and the bike! I am in a serious debate. Finding a place to stay shouldn't be that hard. Iam sure I won't be the only one stealth camping. I will have to think this one over. The killer is I need a rest day.
I am super glad I got into rock Springs today can you imagine all that bike traffic? Bikers are the worst for cyclist. The small foot print and lack of a safety cage. Tends to have them share the lane no matter what. Equally frightening as the mass hurls by you. Within a couple, I can count the number of cyclist who went in the other lane on my trip. So here is my chance should I stay or should I go?
Damm the park has been lovely with the church bells in the background.
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