Monday, July 7, 2008

So I made into Rawlins in about five min. They seem to go out of their way! Screw the cyclist!
They just added a new concrete road even on the shoulder and yet that manage to screw the cyclist on the only road possible for the to take. They put a huge rumble strip all the way cross the shoulder and about a foot wide. So every five feet vibrations. Screw the cyclist screw the cyclist.
So I am headed into Rawlins, I get my laundry down timed that just right as they were opening, went to the library look for my pics on the other foto site. This us union cell carrier won't allow me to post.
I get some burgers and chill.
Stomach to much protein owe. I head out for 10 mile and now at Fort Steele. Where the were protecting the railroad.
I then get off the interstate and head on 130 to Saratoga will see how far I want to go.
I am sitting under a shade tree wonder if this will be another day of thunderstorms. Things are much cooler and I might be saved from the week long system.
I talked to Sean whose from MD on a trans continental. Supported tour. Which means he don't haul anything. We talked shop and he gave some great route descriptions. I saw the rest of the gang as I was headed out.
Nice to see so many people on tour!
I have only around 300 to 400 miles left and still have 31 days. I just found out I am going to climb a 10000 foot Mt near Boulder o joy.
If everything goes to plan I should hit CO around the 11th. We will see.
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