So I made it into Fairplay and checked the town out. For not having a railroad near by that I could see it many old buildings.
It also had the famous Front St from the east coast.
I also learned why the national forest had people living in them. In the 1930s they issued permits to live their and of course they don't want to give them up.
Seems fittin the selfish people don't want you to camp there either.
I chatted with a lady from the historical soceity. The library was built in 1896 and it was a couthouse with a mock setting complete with chair. Even had vaults where you could find books dtacked on shelfs
We agreed on BLM land.
They agency hides it from us and the locals don't want you on there. I talked to the ranger lady and discussed BLM she told me of a road on the right. Here I am in the most aloof public entity of America. There was a beware of dog sign on the gate. Next to it close gate my cows are on open range. So now I have better cell phone coverage than in the city Imagine that. The ride out to red pass was easy and dangerous. It is offical I have 85 miles left tommorow that goes down to 45.
I am at 9000 feet. Battery is almost gone and I will need some charging
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