Monday, August 4, 2008

so i headed out from red hill so early in the morning. My alarm was still working so I got an early start. I finally made it back to the road after a short walk with my bike the road was well a BLM road the stay was great although lots of Skeeters. So having all my clothes on in the morning was a great way to ward them off. I walked a little the sun had come up from the horizon yet there was a bank of clouds which then hid the sunrise. I sate there for a moement and then headed out. I went down a steep hill got about 30 mph and slowed down then i had to climb another hill and after that it was mostly down hill to level expect for one small hill. I saw a sign and it said "Watch for Wildlife" not watch for cyclists mind you we had our own 2 to 3 foot shoulder which then all the big trucks and anyone not wainting to give you space or i might add the oncomming passing cars would squeeze you as they went by.
I made it pass (Cowely) and then road by Jefferson which had a neat depot painted bright blue and a C store. The whole way from Red Hill was a just a valley and as I said it was level to downhill. I then found the Konesha Pass 10000 feet. The three passes so far have been nothing.
I climbed the pass unexpected my day was over by 10000 am. I looked around the colorado trailheads on both sides and the east side had the dispersed camping.
I found a nice level patch of ground in tall aspens where motor vheicles couldnt go.
Although they disregarded signs and went into the pasture right below me and had a fire. Which below smoke my way. Arggg
I then woke up with no alarm as my cell phone died. I wasn't worried though I only had another 10 miles or so. I new it was on a hill so I was like please let me stay at this awesome site.
So i loaded up and off I went. It was all down hill yet for a small portion and by 0900 i was at the trail head. the valley was awesome with a shoulder huge to none at times. I followed the river most of the way to Bailey. Pine trees galore dotted the canyons. I put up my bear bag and loaded up my backpack. I climbed up some easy switch backs and soon was at the top of the hill. I searched for some level land and I didn't find any so I took some angled land. Again like yesterday at 1200 guessing the thunderstorms started. It would rain both days off and on. I was glad to have such a short day as I was in my tent as the rain came down. I was able to read Tai-pan and another book that book i finished in less than 18 hours. Not sure if that is saying anything on the book it was ok a little like fantasy though.
So I made it into Bailey and decided to do my Laundry which is a ruse to charge my phone ha.
But getting your laundry done is fine.
while doing my laundry I met Larry who I connected with right away. We talk he is now living at 8700 feet retired living the high life eh? I was rather jealous considering the heat I was about to enter. His two dogs looked rather happy from there faces which I thought was an odd character to have. It was a great little Laundry shope both of us agreed. A place right next to the river to bait a hook and a bar. They also had a historic park picnic anyone and a nice ped bridge over the South Platte river.
Larry's generosity again caught me off guard as he offered me breakfast which I kindly accepted. Larry then gave me a great route to Denver as I told him where I was going. I get to avoid 285 which I was so happy and provided me with a nice senic ride into Red Rocks. I was really glad to talk with Larry as I normally just brush people off after answering there questions. Spending time out in the middle of nowhere doesn't give me alot of social skills. He gave me my final burst of motivation with his his excitement he showed for my trip, and hopefully I gave him some to go bait a hook or check out a trail with his dogs. Thanks Larry.
I then got directions from the Laundry lady and she said just atop of Crow Hill year right.
Well crow hill is a frikin pass worse than the three passes I just climbed. So I climbed I climbed and I even though I found the place so I left the main road only to go back to it. Finally a library sign and I was off yet more signs lead me around and around and I found the great library.
I was able to pound alot of time on the computer as you can see from here.
I will be finishing my tour by tomorrow as I book a hostel on my last day of my tour.
So one more post one more night in the woods for me!