BLM land to Gunnison National forest.
Today will hopefully be a light touring day. If my camp turns out ok then it will be 24 miles and about 2000 feet of climbing through a gorgeous Volcanic canyon.
I have been getting up early as of lately in my tour. Traffic, cooler temps, more clothing less bites, and using more sunlight for my journeys. So after my short stay on BLM I rose with the great sunrise. I collected my gear and was off. The skeeters were bad here with a marsh swamp area just below. I had maybe a quarter mile of dirt to get back onto 92. A lovely spot indeed. After going some 80 miles I seen my first sign point to forest access. The Gunnison rangers have their act together it appears. I had strip off my pants only to put my tights back on after a cold head wind and now descending after a brief hill. Even now as I climbed I was still cold at it was 900 o'clock. after 1500 climb and 13 miles I ate breakfast. I saw picnic table by Crystal Creek trail. I had rasions, ritz crackers, summer sausage, and two PBs.
I put aside some ramon noodles to be cooked by the time I got back. I then headed out on the trail a 2.5 mile hike to break up the day. Ingenious rocks galore. The hike was nothing short of out of this world.
Through out my tour I have constantly amazed. Having planned this route by myself I have flying by the seat of my pants. I receive tibidts of information here and there. Yet for the most part have only have an idea where my next camp will be, food, and etc.
I continued to hike to the chasm. It was a brief walk which went up and down. I had now traversed three hills with each one getting bigger.
I was in awe at the view much better than the north rim by far. Well time to hike back
I met a lady and she had the same thoughts its not over.
I gave a better description than I got. There was a Y intsection which leads to two different over views.
At any I wished her good luck and was off. I came bike a little winded but it didn't seem like I walked five miles and climbed a 1000 feet. Something to do with the splendid views I imagine.
I had forest, igneous rocks shist and quartz yummy, small brush which made green walls, and of course cliffs.
Side note yesterdays ride was known as the counties I will have to look them up but I know Monore, Gunnison, Delta, Crawford.
I ate my Ramon noodles and left. I met a fellow touring he was in dire need of water.
How hard would it be to carry a few water tablets to purify your frikin water! My rant. He had no panniers at all. I didn't share my precious cargo. Earlier that morning a motor cyclist from LA stopped and gave me a liter of water to top me off. I was great full thanks. I am not sure how long I have to go but if the visitor center has water if so than that cyclist is unprepared. I will never get shaving a couple of pounds.
My food management has been getting a whole lot better. I should arrive in Gunnison almost empty. I still have two more days of food. I have reduced my water to a gallon. Knownly water is easy to find and then filter. I did splurge comming into the valley I had two gallons. That went by quick though I am back down to a gallon. I should be able to refill tomorrow.
I managed to loose my reflective vest and one of my water proof pannier covers.
Ans so far damage water jug by Tuba city with all the dam beer bottles busted I managed in the dark to slice it. This was a good thing o found. I also lost and quickly replaced my mirror. Not to bad so far.
The day was spent going up and down. They managed not to build a single bridge. It weaved as the canyon weaved. I entered the canyon right alongside crystal creek. Which seemed rather tame. Then at the hike I saw the gapping hole in the hard lava rock and was stunned. There were many pull outs to gaze upon and rest. At one point I looked across the valley at two 14s. As I did I saw a thunderstorm roll across I watched in awe as lighting struck the I was fine in the sun and on the cliff.
Of course I could see rain clouds behind me know so I moved I made it to hermits rest and the up slope wind forced me to throw on a bit more clothes. Once again I got cold. I was well above 8000 feet so it didn't take much.
I was going to sleep here but then I found pioneer point much much better. Of course my road was hard if not impossible to find like normal I found 719 not 720 though.
I was happy a recreation area had primitive camping a park to the north could learn a thing or two.
So I was off to my campground yeah!
I had one himogus hill I hit 30 34 going around curves and such for a good 3 miles it was like a motorcycle. I had a couple other good runs also at 30 they were shorter and with out graudrails a little scary on the drop off. Of course lots of climbing. This is motorcycle haven here. Very few cars if any. Every motor I met treated me with respect even the trailers.
So I made it to pioneer point and omy god another awesome place the frikin valley so far is out of this world and to think I would have missed it. WoW!
So I am at my camp site only need to hike another 2 miles and 800 feet down!
I saw on the trail register people were seeing bears o my. You see while I am telling someone my plans if I'd ont give them specifics I try to be found. However with a trail register. I have the rangers looking after me and they can see my bike at the trail head. So now I have some one saying where is he and the rangers saying this person is right here. Of course only if something happens.
At any rate I take my photos of the gorgeous view and head out err down. I cross a couple of bridges and descend to my camp ground. I quickly set up my tent fearing rain.
I wash my socks in the creek and let them dry. I talk a hike down a little more as this goes much farther than I want it goes all the way to the Res so you can boat camp.
I see a huge water fall take a few pics and walk back up. Not to go overboard. 30 miles 3000 feet up. 7 miles hiking and a 1000 feet up.
So I ate dinner ritz crackers and PB before I went down I had some PBs and green beans followed by apricots. (After I saw the bears in the trail register I hung my food). I read some Tai-Pan and then went to bed ready for more hiking and fun in the sun. My bike is back up to acting like a retard I should be able to limp back to Denver hopefully. Another side note I put 2000 miles on my trip so far. My odometer didn't work for that day and since it has been fine.
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