Pioneer creek to. Forest road 724. Have a rest day and then head into Gunnison on monday. I will spend my rest day on some blm land near never sink.
So I didn't have to hike 2 miles only a mile and 800 feet.
I hiked back in not much time ate some food. I have about a day left unless I can find some water then two days. Because some food is water based.
I might spend another day I might not.
I met Traci who was the first at the trailhead. We talked about look at some pictures and she was off. She had spent more time in some of the spots I toured.
Well back on the bike.
So I finished off the canyon and the crossed the Blue Mesa Dam and traversed the Blue Mesa res. Pretty bland after going through the canyon.
I tried to hike up Dillion pinnacles but never made it. I did 1.5 and need to save the rest of my energy for the ride. O well I had some exhausting couple of last days.
I stopped in the visitor center and charged my phone and got where I can stay for the next few days. I love how they display the maps.
Pretty easy day my tour is winding down. Lots more rest days comming up. I managed to get my bike in working order.
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