So after a lovely sunset I set out of the park. Down the windy and cracked asphalt.
I then headed into the small roadside town of Morrison a bike path started but I remained on the road as usual. I then stopped in a gas station for some wake me up since I wasn't sure how long of a night this was going to be.
The night was still warm and I was rather happy at this.
I went under the 470 and checked out Bear lake 18 dollar camping left me with a salad.
You see if you go into a burger palace and they give you salad. You again order a burger and they give you a salad what do you do?
Well I don't pay is what I do.
You see I only need a patch of grass to sleep in the vast hundreds of acres and that grass worth 18 dollars yeah right. So gasping at the price noticing they close the gate. I went back to the bike path. I knew it went under 470 and that ment no cop cars. Because it used the same bridge Bear creek ran under.
So I found the bridge as I always say the MUP always goes every which way but straight. So I chill out waiting for him to close the gate. I had internet so I played with that after a good while say the new day. I strolled over to some picnic tables one was behind a small hill. With no signs indicating it was the Park. I took out my trap wrapped it around me and sleep about 3 hours. I woke up at 400 and poured over my routes.
The ride on 8 was sureal with the huge park I felt I was in the country. There was a jesus cross on the hill behind me huge and lit up.
Then as the park gave way I fell on a four lane take my lane thanks.
I came upon a sign that gave me ten seconds to get across after that the road looked like alley way with very little access from side roads. It was super small only two lanes. Complete with milage markers and huge wooden fences on each side. That fianally gave way and I was again taking names and lanes.
The first place was a groccery store to get some food I am so hungry. I finally saw a kings food after all the semis I have seen on the road.
I found the usual yogurt, cheese, milk, and ritz crackers, with PBs tortillas.
I then ate brekfest, charged my phone.
I tried to find a box for my stuff with no luck yet lots of boxes I went to target to get a duffel bag.
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