So I made it now what the hell do I do.
The ride was again out of this world!
As directed by Larry I took 73 to 74 and Omy gosh canyons, rivers , cliffs and realluy winding roads. I at several points was doing the speed limit. I don't thin I even pedaled. Although I think I did a little. 35 and 25 where those speed limits. It was great fun whipping around the cornors. Thanks again Larry that ride topped of my 2300 miles of out of this world scenery.
What a way to end my ride. Of course I then went to Red Rocks which overlooks Denver. " I can see it!" I waited 81 days to take it all in. I talked to all my friends. Wahooooo!
I also at the 73 junction got some lunch at subway thanks again Larry.
It rained just like the last two days only sprinkling. At one point on the 285 I had wrapped my gear and then before I could leave the sun came out. Imagine that. 285 sucked spots I had to take the lane doing 3 mph at other times I had traffic squeezing by me even though there was two lanes. After Crow hill I went up to go down to go up. It was 1500 feet of I don't want to climb all that. Yet the down hill was great and hot.
While I was eating the second wave of rain came by.
Today was a good day.
I only need to ship my stuff and then I am good to go. This will most likely be more expensive and more challenging than my trip HA!.
I just did over 50 miles today and all the down hill has left me hungry for more. Yet my trip is done. I can't believe it no more cycling. My journey is done. Time for my next adventure.
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