Saturday, June 28, 2008

I woke up with the sun cresting my horizon. The lake sending waves of relaxation.
I rolled out of the tent to hear the breakfast bells comming from the mosquitoes.
I tried once and then twice. But like dive bombers they swarmed around me picking area I had missed.
I quickly threw all my gear on bob and split. Running now up hill on the ATV tracks as fast as I could I then started to pedal like the wind not letting up even on the down hill. Just pedal. Now on the bike I was venerable to attack and they knew it. With the tail wind I made up the 4 miles in 15 tops I was flying down the path in the road. They had put loose gravel on the paved road and cars craved a path for me.

Now at the mayor's park in Fern I ate something wrote this and attended to my morning rituals.
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